CDL 001 French Renault Char D1 |

Introducing the PT Dockyard's new line of 15mm armor. Given my interest in things unique, we are starting out
with a long time favorite, the French Char D1. The D1 was the first tank put into series priduction by France after WW1.
It was armed with a short SA34 47mm and a coaxial MG in the turret and a fixed MG in the bow. It was slow- about 11mph, and
had 30mm of armor. Starting in 1931, 150 were produced. These later saw service in the fall of France (one battalion in June
1940) and was the main tank available (three battalions) to the resurgent French Army in Tunisia 1942-43. Here they again
saw combat against German and Italian forces, one even knocking out a Pz IV with a shot to the turret ring! Starting in March
of 1943, the D1 was replaced by Valentine III tanks in combat.
This 9 piece kit comes molded in resin and is very easy to assemble. Just the thing to bolster (!?) your French
troops in the Tunisian hills.