The PT Dockyard is expanding the modest line of aircraft to also include assault craft and eventually selected coastal
craft. The inagural model is the modern SOC-R, a special craft designed for fast insertion of SEAL teams up rivers and in
coastal areas. The is a tough little boat- carrying two 7.62 Miniguns, two 7.62 MGs and a single .50 MG Aft.
In the months ahead, candidates for expansion of this line include more current riverine and Special Ops craft,
WW2 boats like the USN LCS(S), WW1 and Russian Civil War craft.
1/300 Coastal and Assault Craft
CC300-01 SOC-R...................................$4.50
WW2 CC300-02 Soviet DB Landing Craft.............$3.50 CC300-02A Soviet DB AA Version w/37mm.........$4.50 CC300-03
Soviet NKL-5 Aero-Glisser...........$2.00
The Aircraft line remains intact....
1/300 Aircraft
PA1 Finnish Myrsky II.............................$2.75
Available now
PA2 Caproni CA 380 "Corsaro" twin boom Italian fighter.........$4.00
PA3 Ambrosini SAI.207 Italian FIghter..................................$2.75
PA4 P51/A-36 Allison Mustang........................$2.75
PA-4 Allison Mustang |
PA 5 Curtiss Hawk III...........$3.25